proclaiming the gospel with life-giving, dynamic worship that shows passion for Christ, with powerful prayer that makes a difference in our day and with an unshakeable commitment to the Bible as God’s Word and guide for life.
that champions the timeless message of Jesus Christ in a relevant way to every generation. A church where young and old alike find a home and a valued place to belong. A church that reaches across the ethnic, socio-economic and racial divides of our day. We are a church that looks like heaven.
that accepts people wherever they are in life’s journey, believing in the value of people created in God’s image and that God can work a miracle in transforming any life. We are a church that says, “welcome home."
that opens to the power of Holy Spirit to heal physical, spiritual and emotional pain; believing that God is able to bring wholeness to every area of life. We are a church that heals the hurting.
that experiences ongoing healthy growth numerically, spiritually and influentially. A church that reaches out to people, reaches up to God and reaches across to impact society for the gospel of Jesus. We are a church that always has room.
known for what we are “for” instead of what we are “against.” Willing to live out our beliefs in everyday life and be lights for Christ shining brightly in our culture as a message of the hope and help found in Jesus. We are a church that stands strong.
that is generous with our time, talents, gifts and finances to see the Great Commission accomplished in our city, our nation and around the world in the spirit of the Great Commandment. We are a church of givers.