what is honey?

Honey is the Women's Ministry of Grace Church. We are for all women in every season of life. We are a sisterhood committed to helping each other step into our God given purposes!

"A sisterhood of strength, a culture of courage, and bold femininity."

Honey Huddle

Grab your girls and join us for Honey Huddle on April 26th from 11AM-2PM! This is a time for ladies high school and up, to gather for brunch, powerful worship, and great conversations!

Honey in the Rock Podcast

Honey in the Rock is a podcast for women. Here, we believe in finding sweetness even in the most difficult places. Each story you will hear is a testament to God’s faithfulness, showing that even in the wilderness, He provides honey from the rock.

Join us as we listen to real, raw, and redemptive stories that remind us of God’s goodness and grace, no matter what life brings. This is Honey in the Rock: Sweet stories from hard places. Follow us @honeysofgrace

let's be friends