Host: Marie Goetz
Where: Grace Church - Conference Room
Time: 7:40am - 8:20am // 10:30am - 10:45am
When: Every Sunday
Who: Co-ed
Focus: Join others in prayer and intercession
Contact: marie@gracesd.tv
Hosts: Grace Youth Leaders
Where: Grace Church - Conference Room
Time: 9am - 10:30am (Students will sit together in the sanctuary for worship and then head to the Conference Room after.)
When: Every Sunday
Who: 6th-8th grade students
Contact: info@gracesd.tv
Host: Brett McElhaney
Where: Room 2
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Dates: Every Monday *No meeting 12/2
Who: All Men Of Grace from Newcomers to those who have been attending for years!
Childcare: We love children but there will not be childcare available.
Description: We will gather to connect with a community of like minded Christian men as we fellowship together and strengthen our faith through being the men God designed us to be. Come on out for some food and fellowship with the Men of Grace!
Contact: Brett McElhaney / 619-244-6609 / Info@mcelhaneyinc.com
Host: Dennis Arritt
Where: Grace Church - Conference Room
Time: 6:30pm - 8pm
When: Every Monday Night
Who: Everyone
Childcare: Not available
Description: A deep dive survey of the New Testament
Contact: Dennis Arritt / 760-846-2009 / dennisarritt@me.com
Host: Dianne Ellison, Carrie Gibbs, Brett McElhaney, and Brynne Hardesty
Next Session: Every Tuesday beginning January 14th - April 15th
Summer Session: Every Tuesday beginning May 6th - Aug 5th
Fall Session: Every Tuesday beginning August 19th - November 18th
Where: Grace Church - Conference Room
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Who: Any adult (18 and over) who is grieving the death of a family member or friend.
Description: If you've lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future, but that's the reason for GriefShare. We are a seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who have experienced and understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. GriefShare features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics and is open to anyone in the community, at any time. You do not need to be attending Grace Church, and each session stands on its own so you do not need to wait for week one to join us.
Contact: Dianne Ellison / (760)-433-9922 / Dianne@gracesd.tv
Host: Gabe & Ashleigh Willis
Where: Grace Church - Sanctuary
Time: 6:30pm - 8pm
When: Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday
Who: 18-28
Childcare: No kids please
Description: A place for adults between the ages of 18-28 to fellowship, Build relationships, and grow spiritually.
Gabe Willis / gabe@gracesd.tv
Ashleigh Willis / ashleigh@gracesd.tv
Host: Marie Goetz & Anna Rhine
Where: Grace Church - Family Room
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
When: Every Other Tuesday; 2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/6, 5/20,and 6/3* (6/3* Meeting offsite- No Childcare available)
Description: Our heart is to help women come into a deeper, more intentional relationship with Jesus because no matter how much of Jesus we have... there is always more. Our life experiences have taught us that no matter what we walk through Jesus is always (every time) more than sufficient to meet our needs. We believe community with like-minded believers is essential and want to help women build God centered relationships with each other.
Contact: Marie Goetz / marie@gracesd.tv / (760) 672-9520
Click here to register and RSVP for childcare!
Purchase book here!
Hosts: Kyle & April Hughes
Where: Grace Church - Conference Room
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
When: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday
Who: Military Couples
Childcare: Available upon registration
Description: This group is specifically for military couples and families to strengthen their relationship with God, each other, and a community of other military families at Grace.
Hosts: April Hughes
Where: Grace Church - The Family Room
Time: 6pm - 8pm
When: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Who: Military Spouses
Childcare: Available upon registration
Description: This small group exists to support, encourage and build up the military spouses of Grace. Whether you are new to military spouse life or if you have experience with numerous deployments, this group is here to uplift and support you.
Military Spouse Ladies Group Materials:
Please click here.
Create an account.
Confirm account via email, and log in.
Top right corner, click three lines
- Journeys
- Scroll down, and find Deployed.
- Weekly Outline & daily reading and prompts are there.
Register Here!
Host: Tyler & Sarah Proctor
When: Every Wednesday beginning March 26th - May 21st
Time: 6:30pm-8pm
Where: Grace Church - Sanctuary
Who: Dating, Married, Engaged, or Single! All are welcome!
Description: Join us on a transformative journey to deepen the intimacy in your relationship. Marriage on the Rock offers practical, biblically-based guidance, engaging discussions, and life-changing applications."No marriage is perfect. The beauty of marriage lies in learning how to become one and growing together with your spouse, as God intended."
Contact: Sarah & Tyler Proctor // Marriage@gracesd.tv
Childcare will be available upon registration. Click here to register for class and to secure childcare.

Hosts: Grace Youth Leaders
Where: Grace Church - Room 2 | *Meeting in the Conference Room on 3/20
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
When: Every Wednesday
Who: 9th-12th grade students
Contact: info@gracesd.tv
Host: Josh Willis
Description: Join us as we meet every every other Wednesday of the month as we study through the book, "The Barbarian Way," by Erwin Raphael McManus. In this book, we will learn to break free and experience Christianity the way that it was meant to be; wild, free and untamed. We are calling on Men to join us in community as we put God first, become better husbands, better fathers, and better MEN!
Dates: Every other Wednesday | March 26th, April 9th, April 23rd, May 7th
Location: Grace Church - The Family Room
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Who: This group is for Men only
Contact: Josh Willis // 760-212-3582
We love children, but we do not have childcare available for this group:)
Register here.
Purchase the book here.
Host: Anna Rhine and Linda Ledesma
When: We will meet twice per month on Thursdays beginning 9/12, 9/26; 10/10; 10/24; 11/7; 11/21; 12/5; 12/19; ***Break for holidays and resuming beginning 1/9/2025, 1/23; 2/6; 2/20; 3/6; 3/20; 4/3; 4/17; 5/1; 5/22
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
Where: Grace Church - Conference Room
Who: Single Mom's
Description: If you are a single Mom, we would love to have you join our Connect Group! We want to provide a space for single mamas to be loved, supported, and comfortable sharing their stories with one another.
Childcare available upon registration.
Contact: Anna Rhine // Chicamama3@gmail.com
Host: Kory Henley
When: Every Thursday Night beginning on Thursday March 6th - April 24th
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Grace Church - Family Room
Who: Men
Description: Come and join us for our new Men's Small Group! Every Thursday night, we will focus on money and finances for Men. We will be diving into the study of, "Total Money Makeover," by Dave Ramsey. Are you ready to lead yourself, your family, and your future better? Join us!
Contact: Kory Henley // koryhenley@yahoo.com
We love children, but childcare will not be available for this group

Host: Brett Mcelhaney
Where: Brett's House - Please contact for address
Date: Every first Saturday of the month
Time: 7:30am - 9:00am
Who: Men only
Description: Come join us every first Saturday of the month for Men's breakfast! Start the day with some good food, and fellowship with our men of faith.
Contact: Brett McElhaney / Brett@gracesd.tv
Where: Grace Church - Sanctuary
Time: 9am
Dates: Every Saturday | *Not meeting 3/15, 11/29, 12/27
Description: Join us every Saturday at 9am for all church prayer.
Host: Peter Bordin
Where: Meet in Cafe at Grace Church
Time: 10am
Dates: 6/22 & 7/27
Description: Join us every third Saturday of the month for our monthly homeless outreach. We will meet at 10 AM in the cafe to prepare sack lunches and then deliver them to those in need around our community. No sign-up necessary, bring the family! We'll see you there!
Contact: Peter Bordin / pbordin49@gmail.com
Host: Roger & Marie Goetz
Where: Goetz or Schwartz residence. Please contact the host for an address.
Time: 5pm
Dates: Every other Saturday beginning 2/8 (2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5, 4/19, and 5/3)
Description: Join us for Dinner @ 5! We will be studying The Parables of Jesus by Matt Williams. Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from the stuff of everyday life, the parables of Jesus made the kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners. We are looking forward to connecting with you and gaining community through the parables of Jesus.
Contact: Marie Goetz / marie@gracesd.tv / 760-672-9520

In times of need and times of fun, Grace small groups are your source of friendship and support. They are your key to developing connections with those who share your interests or people who are dealing with similar life issues.
Small groups are an opportunity to reach out to others, while growing in your walk with the Lord. Groups meet in homes, businesses, restaurants, or at the church. The groups change and begin again three times a year, so you have the opportunity to try out different ones. You’ll never fully experience all that Grace has to offer until you connect in a small group! Join a group anytime!
Have you ever considered leading a small group? Click the link below to find out all about becoming a small group leader at Grace.