Foster the City


Every year, thousands of children are removed from their biological family and placed in foster care because of abuse or neglect. These children deserve a loving home in their community where they can experience stability, love and hope for their future. The church is uniquely positioned to meet this need. Our goal is to raise up foster families within the church and surround those families with a team of Support Friends to help support them through their placement.

The role of a Support Friend is to provide emotional, physical and spiritual support to a foster family two times a month. This may look like dropping off a meal, providing babysitting for a night, or even just writing an encouraging letter. God designed us for community and foster families and kids thrive when they are surrounded by a team who is present and ready to serve. Whether you are interested in fostering, becoming a Support Friend, or partnering with us in prayer you can make a difference for kids in foster care today.


Stay tuned for our next info meeting! For more info contact us at

If you are currently fostering or are interested in fostering or supporting foster families, please contact us by emailing or by clicking the button below!


Foster the City Directors